Your summer tax bill is mailed to you the first week in July and your winter tax bill is mailed to you the first week in December.
Both your summer and winter tax bill covers the whole year from January 1st until December 31st. These tax bills do not cover specific months, but rather, collect different taxes due for the entire year. The two tax bills together make up the total annual property taxes due. The summer tax bill collects the taxes for Kent Intermediate Schools District, Grand Rapids Community College, ½ of the Lowell Area Schools, State Education Tax and the Kent County general operating. The winter tax bill collects the taxes for Kent County Jail and Senior Citizens Millage, Kent District Library, Vergennes Township, and ½ of the Lowell Area Schools.
Your summer bill is due on September 14th and your winter bill is due on February 14th. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the due date is extended to the next regular business day. We do not accept postmarks. All payments received in our office after the due date will be assessed interest. State law mandates that interest be added to any payment received after the due date. Exceptions cannot be made, so be sure to mail early to allow sufficient time to reach our office.
Payments may be made at the Township Office on Monday & Wednesday from 9a.m. to 3p.m and Thursday from 9a.m. to noon. There is a 24-hour mail slot located in the entry door. Please enclose your payment in a sealed envelope and never leave cash. If you are paying by mail, please use the enclosed yellow envelope. If you would like a receipt for your property taxes, please enclose the entire bill and a self-addressed envelope. We will stamp the top portion of the tax bill and return it to you. It is very important that you know you may make partial payments. You may start paying on your bill as soon as you receive it.
It is impossible for us to know who your mortgage company is and whether they are to pay your taxes or you are. Your mortgage company knows, so they request your tax information to be sent to them. We also send you a copy so that you: 1) know how much your taxes are, 2) know who requested your tax information(mortgage company will be listed under your name) 3) can compare your tax bill with the end of year statement sent to you by your lender and, 4) have information you may need to file your income taxes. If your bill does not indicated your tax information was sent to your lender, simply forward a copy of the bill to your mortgage company. Please keep your copy for future reference.
You qualify for the Principal Residence Exemption if you own and reside in your home. This is a State of Michigan law, not a township rule. This means you do not pay local school operating tax. Check your bill…if the Lowell Area Schools operating is $.00, you are all set. If you are not receiving PRE and think you qualify, please call the assessor.
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