Planning Commission Public Hearing Notice: Ordinance Amendments
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a special meeting of the Vergennes Township Planning Commission will be held on Monday, August 9, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Vergennes Township Hall, located at 69 Lincoln Lake Ave, Lowell, MI to hold a public hearing as summarized below:
- A public hearing for a proposed Special Exception Use, at the property addressed as 12031 Foreman St SE, Lowell, MI 49331 and known as PP#41-16-34-351-005. The applicant, Lowell Youth Sports Foundation, is seeking approval for a rural recreation facility to include seven youth softball and baseball fields.
- A public hearing for a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment to create a Section 201.306 (C) (9) to add “Fallasburg Single-Family Residential (R-F)” as a zoning district and rezone 32 parcels from R-A to the RL zoning district. Parcels to be rezoned are addressed as Covered Bridge and Montcalm.
- A public hearing for a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment to allow shipping containers to be used as an exempt structure in the “C-Commercial” and “I-Industrial” zoning districts. The specific ordinance section to be amended is 201.402 (G).
- A public hearing for a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment to update the “FR Flat River” overlay zoning district. The proposed amendments would increase the Flat River boundaries from 300’ to 400’, would clarify bluff setbacks, and clarify placement of septic facilities on site. The specific ordinance sections include: 201.307 (A), 201.307 F.1, and 201.307 F.2.
A complete copy of the proposed special exception use and proposed zoning amendments can be reviewed at the Vergennes Township Hall, 10381 Bailey Drive, PO Box 208, Lowell, MI 49331 – Phone: (616) 897-5671 or on the website here. Beginning August 2 Township Staff will begin working from the new Township Hall, located at 69 Lincoln Lake Ave, Lowell, MI. Written and oral comments will be received from any interested party until the conclusion of the public hearing. Written comments may be mailed, dropped off, or placed in the drop box at the Township Offices. Comments may be emailed to the Planning Commission at:
Vergennes Township Planning Commission