Notice of Public Hearing (Under Act 198, Public Acts of Michigan, 1974, as Amended)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Township Board of the Township of Vergennes will hold a public hearing on October 19, 2020, during its regularly scheduled meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the Vergennes Township Hall, 10381 Bailey Drive, Lowell, Michigan 49331, telephone (616) 897-5671, to consider a request from ASSA Group Inc., dba Enwork., for an Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate for real and personal property improvements to the property located at 12900 Christopher Drive, Lowell, Michigan 49331 in Vergennes Township, Michigan, under the provisions of Act 198 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1974, as amended. The improvements will be located within an Industrial Development District located within the Township of Vergennes, County of Kent, State of Michigan, described as follows:
Land in the Township of Vergennes, County of Kent, State of Michigan, commonly known as 12900 Christopher Drive, and designated as P.P. No. 41-16-35-351-030
The property and equipment to which the application relates lies within the above described parcel and itself is described in the application for the Industrial Facilities Exemption Certificate.
The applicant, the Township Assessor, representatives of each taxing unit affected that levies ad valorem property taxes within the Township of Vergennes, or any other person may appear at this meeting and give testimony.
Shantell Ford
Vergennes Township Clerk