Notice of December Board of Review
DECEMBER 15, 2020
MCL Section 211.53 (b) of the General Property Tax Act, PA 260 of 1893, provides for corrections of clerical errors or mutual mistakes of fact relative to the correct assessment figures and the corrections of Principal Residence Exemptions, these shall be verified by the local assessing officer and approved by the board of review at a meeting held for that purpose.
On DECEMBER 15, 2020 a meeting will be called for this purpose from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the Vergennes Township Hall, 10381 Bailey DR SE, Lowell MI, to conduct business as provided for in Section 211.53(b), Michigan Compiled Laws. If you wish to appear before the board of review you can make an appointment by calling the office at 897-5671.
Shantell Ford
Vergennes Township Clerk