Vergennes Township – 69 Lincoln Lake Ave NE
PO Box 208, Lowell, Michigan 49331-0208
Phone: (616) 897-5671
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 9:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM To 12:00 PM
The office will be closed for the following days:
May 27, July 4, September 2, November 27 & 28, and December 25 & 26.
PLEASE NOTE – The Assessor ( and Zoning Administrator ( work from Township and home offices, and out in the field. To meet with them we encourage appointments to insure their availability. You can call the office or email them directly.
Supervisor — Tim Wittenbach, 897-7059(Home)
Clerk — Shantell Ford 897-5671,
Treasurer — Sherry Richmond, 897-5671,
Trustee — Duane Rasch, 299-1243
Trustee — Rick Gillette, 676-1443 (Home)
Bill Makuski
Peter Gustafson
897-5738 (Home)
Cory Burns
897-5671 (Office)
Ryan Carrigan
The Vergennes Township Board meets regularly on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Township Hall, 69 Lincoln Lake Ave NE, Lowell. The Planning Commission meets regularly on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. also at the Township Hall.
Regular meeting dates for the Township Board and the Planning Commission for the entire year are published in the Lowell Ledger in January. Notices for Zoning Board meetings, public hearings, and many other special meetings are also published in the Lowell Ledger. We would like to invite you to read the Lowell Ledger. This Lowell based paper is where Vergennes Township advertises all of its notices for meetings, which are always open to the public.
All notices are also posted in the message board at the Vergennes Township Hall.
The present Vergennes Township Ordinance has been in effect since November 20, 1978, with periodic additions and amendments. Act 184 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1943, the “Township Rural Zoning Act”, grants to townships broad powers to protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of all persons and property owners within the Township. The presence of an ordinance also guides growth and development, and helps protect the natural rural environment.
In 1999, the Master, or Comprehensive Land Use Plan was updated and adopted by the planning commission. This blueprint for the future of the township is an important tool used to assist the board and planning commission make recommendations and adopt changes to the existing ordinance. As new development is proposed, it provides a checkpoint to assure the growth is appropriate and well planned. This document is revisited every 5 to 10 years to make sure it still meets our needs.
The Township is growing and thriving because it is a good place to live, raise families, work or retire. The existence of sound, low cost government with excellent zoning regulations helps maintain and increase the value of your investment in property. Because property taxes are much lower than most cities, the cost of living in Vergennes Township is also lower.
For further information please feel free to contact us at the Vergennes Township hall at 897-5671during business hours, or e-mail Vergennes Township .
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